Saturday, March 10, 2012

Hippity hop, hippity hop....

sweet baby bunnies...
just love to hop!!
Up for adoption are brother & sister
Baby Blue
Baby Peaches
 Baby Blue can be adopt on my 
Grimitives Pfatt Marketplace page.

Baby Peaches can be adopted right here.
Baby Peaches
Price:$69.00 with free shipping within the U.S.
If you would like to purchase Baby Peaches

She is so Sweet and Petite
Baby Peaches
Made of peach mohair & wool plaid ears.
Arms & Ears have wire sewn in them so you may gently pose them.
Bunny has black glass eyes. Needle felted nose and muzzle; a dusting of blush and shading.
Baby Peaches size: 10inches from ears to feet.
Tied around bunny’s neck on burnt peach vintage ribbon is a tiny rusty bucket, and tucked inside the paper grass is a tiny glitter orange egg.
Baby Peaches
Price:$69.00 with free shipping within the U.S.
If you would like to purchase Baby Peaches
to email me.
Thanks for hopping by!!
